Educational grants and charitable donations

Respect and responsibility are fundamental to our Atos Medical values, and we put both into practice every day. It is our responsibility to our end users, our healthcare professionals, our employees and our community around the world.

Grants and donations

We support organizations that focus on driving innovation, education and awareness around the treatment of head and neck cancer related conditions. We do this by awarding educational grants to organizations to support healthcare-related educational activities as well as charitable donations to qualified organizations to support bona fide charitable, educational or scientific activities, including indigent care and patient or public education.

Learn more and apply

Instructions – Please read before completing the form

  • Educational Grant or Charitable Donations applications (collectively “Grant Application”) must be submitted by the applicant using the application form above at least 60 days prior to the first event/activity taking place for review by the Atos Grant Committee.
  • Please note there is no guarantee that any or all of the amount requested will be granted. The Atos Grants Committee may reject, approve in full or approve a lower amount at its absolute discretion. Applicants will receive notification of approval or denial after the Atos Grants Committee has made its decision.
  • Product donations for training purposes, if granted, will be fulfilled based on reasonable quantities and inventory available, and may be demonstration or non-sterile, if appropriate.
  • Charitable Donations will only be made to organizations recognized as exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.
  • The completed Grant Application, including all required supporting documents, must be submitted via DocuSign using the link above

If you have any questions on using the form, submitting an application or anything else, please reach out to us at or 1.800.217.0025.


To successfully submit your application using the DocuSign process, all required fields must be completed. Once you begin the process, the form is unable to be saved mid-process. Prior to initiating the DocuSign process, please review this sample PDF of the application to ensure you have the information needed to complete the application.

  • The sample PDF is for reference only. All requests must use the DocuSign link located at the top of the page
  • Please note, required fields must be completed for the form to be submitted via DocuSign
  • If you have questions, please contact us at:

Important information

  • Atos employees and sales representatives may not agree to make an Educational Grant, Charitable Donation or approve a proposed Grant Application prior to consideration by the Grant Committee and may not offer to influence the Grant Committee on behalf of the applicant.
  • Atos employees or sales representatives cannot state or suggest to a customer or potential customer that an Educational Grant or Charitable Donation may be available in connection with the purchase or order of any Atos products.
  • Definitions:

The decision to give Educational Grants must be based on objective criteria. Atos will include the following criteria in the assessment:

  • Event program’s relation to medial practice areas that Atos is involved in or interested in. Entertainment should not dominate or interfere with the overall scientific content of the program and should not be the main attraction.
  • Venue and location should be conducive to the exchange of ideas and transmission of knowledge and should not become the main attraction of the event and the location should not be luxury, tourist or an entertainment venue.
