Our purpose and values

Our Purpose

We are passionate about making life easier for people living with a neck stoma, by providing personalized care and innovative solutions.


Our Values

Our values set the standard for how we act. They are the essence of our culture.


“Our values represent commitments to all our stakeholders. By living our values, we demonstrate that we care about our customers and each other. This makes us proud to serve our customers every day.” - Caroline Vagner Rosenstand, President

We listen

At Atos Medical, we are open-minded and curious. We actively seek to learn from each other and our customers. We use the understanding we gain to challenge each other to always improve.​


We inspire

At Atos Medical, we work with passion and dedication. We have ambitious goals and set the highest standards for ourselves. We aim to offer a compelling picture of the future that motivates others to take action.​


We focus

At Atos Medical, we choose to concentrate on the areas where we can bring the most value. Our choices are clear and transparent, and they help us achieve our ambitions.


We engage

At Atos Medical, we connect with our stakeholders and involve them in our activities. We support and empower our customers and each other every day. Respect and integrity are at the core of everything we do.​

