Provox Vega

A voice prosthesis designed for voice quality, low speaking effort, easy device maintenance and comfort.

Consistency, device life, voice quality and ease of voicing are important factors when choosing the right voice prosthesis. Clinical studies show that the Provox Vega has superior device life, provides the best voice quality (as it requires the lowest amount of effort to speak) and is the easiest to clean. *(Data on file.)

Key Features

  • Better voice quality
  • Less effort to speak
  • Easy to clean and maintain
  • The Provox Vega voice prosthesis comes with an Insertion System that can provide more control and greater flexibility.
  • Adapts to patient anatomy and clinician’s preferred insertion method
  • Creates an ideal fold of the esophageal flange
  • Intuitive and easy-to-use
  • For single use.
  • For Clinician Insertion Only.
How does speech with a voice prosthesis work? Watch the video below to learn more.

Speaking with a Voice Prosthesis

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