Provox ActiValve

The voice prosthesis for people who consistently experience early leakage through with other voice prostheses.

Key Features

  • Clinically proven for device longevity (Data on file)
  • Reduces the need for frequent replacements in most patients who experience short device life (Data on file)
  • Valve and valve-seat consist of fluoroplastic which appears to be insusceptible to destruction by Candida (Data on file)
  • Valve closes with magnets which prevents inadvertent valve opening when the patient breathes or swallows
  • Available in three strengths – Light, Strong and XtraStrong
  • Non-sterile, for single use.
  • Caution: Provox ActiValve contains magnets that may cause serious harm if kept in situ during MRI or radiation therapy.
  • For Clinician Insertion Only.
How does speech with a voice prosthesis work? Watch the video below to learn more.

Speaking with a Voice Prosthesis

Supporting Material
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